Menu Plan Monday – August 17, 2009

Friday through Sunday I will be walking in the 2009 Twin Cities Breast Cancer 3-Day.  Thank you to all of you who’s donations and prayers have supported my journey.  For spectator information go here.  There should also be photos up at that link the week after the event.

Hope to see some of you there!

(and, honey, bring me iced coffee or tea and Advil, ‘kay?)

Temporary Tattoo

Here I am, getting back on the menu planning band wagon!  Woo!  Gluten Free Goodness is the host for the Gluten Free Menu Swap this week picking peaches as the theme ingredient.  (I am hoping to make a peach/mango salsa next week if my schedule works out.)  She made my day today by tagging me with the “One Lovely Blog” award.  I love reading her blog (no gluten, dairy, soy, eggs or corn) for the nutrition information that she slips (she has a nutrition practice in “real life”), the creativity with alternative ingredients, and every Monday she has a list of what she gathered from the garden or market (I love that).  I will have to pull together a blog list to tag after the walk.  But, honestly, with so many great blogs how is a girl to choose?  It’s sure to be one huge list!  For more menu inspiration, head over to Laura’s blog for Menu Plan Monday.  I already have a freezer menu on deck to automatically post for Gluten Free-zer Friday, so come back for that.


Gluten Free Menu Swap Monday

My menu this week will be very centered around what I need to pack for the 3-Day walk this weekend.  I will be packaging up my meals, labeling and freezing them during the week so I am ready to drop my cooler off for check in on Friday morning at 6 a.m.

And because there will be treats at the 3-Day, I have to make some choices today. Treats?  Oh yes, there will be treats.  You can’t get that many women together and not have snacks, can you?  Of course not!  So, my big dilema today will be deciding if I am making brownies or cookies for my treat?   And if I go with cookies, what kind?  Hmmm…Yeah, I like to wrestle with the big questions in life.  You know I have to pack a bunch because 60 miles of walking will burn them off, and I NEED treats because it will help fuel my walk.  Right?   RIGHT!  (I think I may also hide some in the back of the freezer for when I get home and am recovering.  Shhhh… don’t tell the kids…)

What I have packed for food so far:  Two breakfasts of pancakes and bacon.  I am scrambling veggies and eggs to go with the breakfast toady and add to the containers.  With that sort of activity, I know my body has a big need to start my day with protein.  I made these muffins this weekend (thanks, Carrie!) to pack for my walk power snacks.  However, as my family ate them all, I have to make another batch today.  They are great as is, but as I never seem to leave a well enough alone, I may whip the eggs a bit before adding the rest of the ingredients to see if there is any change.  I may also make a batch with chopped dates and cherries.  Mmmmm….

Monday: Chicken Piccata, veggie stir fry, quinoa pilaf and salad

Tuesday: GF noodles with turkey meatballs, veggie stir fry, salad, gluten free French bread (make double recipe of bread, save some for garlic bread/bread sticks for 3-day dinners)

Wednesday: Mommy does a GF staff training and teaches class

Turkey, ham, and roast veggie roll-up sandwiches, salad (make extra roll-up bread and make 2 sandwiches for walk – freezes well.  Will pack small packets of guacamole to have with sandwich.)

Thursday: Mommy finishes packing

Pork carnitas, corn tortillas, toppings (avocado, cilantro, lime wedges, diced tomato, caramelized onions) and peaches over coconut sorbet

My menu for Friday – Sunday done gluten and dairy free.  (The family is going to fend for itself this time.  Don’t forget to make dinner on Sunday, guys!  Momma is NOT cooking that night, even though I will be home.)

Virtual Personal Trainer

Countdown: < 1 Week

Your Training Schedule for This Week:

Monday Rest
Tuesday 5 miles Easy walking
Wednesday 30 min Moderate cross-training
Thursday Rest
Friday 20 miles Day One
Saturday 22.7 miles Day Two
Sunday 17.3 miles Day Three

2 responses to “Menu Plan Monday – August 17, 2009

  1. why choose between cookies or brownies? you crack me up! I think it’s awesome that you’re doing the three day, and I’m so impressed.

  2. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday: Peaches! and a big thanks « Gluten Free Goodness

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