Menu Plan Monday – January 4, 2010

I have a confession.  I am not one of those moms who are happy the kiddos head back to school after a vacation.  I love, love, LOVE them being home.  I love the sleeping in if we want, making special meals, hanging out time.  But, well, this morning I was a bit relieved to see everyone out the door.   Sorry, kiddos!  Why this time?  Well, we have one sad little over-worked laptop and 4 other people (namely my pre-teen, my teen, my six year-old, and MY HUSBAN

D) in the house who want said computer while everyone is home during the holidays.  Yeah, you know what that means – as the mommy it means that my computer and I have been far, far apart for the past little while.  Well, except when I would threaten to not make dinner until I had my recipe from my computer (requiring wrenching the computer from the hands of the aforementioned family members, the little cuties…)  Any-hoo, no

w that I have complete computer daytime domination (bwah-ha-ha!!!) let’s see if I can keep on keeping on with the blog now, shall we?

Um, yeah, and don’t worry, kids, I still miss you while you are at school learning math n’stuff….

Head over to Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Monday.  The Gluten Free Menu Swap is being hosted by Asparagus Thin this week.  Her theme is “dinner and a movie”.


Gluten Free Menu Swap Monday

Monday: Back to school/Girl Scout leader meeting

Pork and veggies (kind of a coconut milk curried-type of thing) over brown rice (presoaked) (made with pork meal starter from my freezer)

Tuesday: Mom volunteer in school library/piano lessons/ski club

Juicy Turkey burgers (make second batch for the freezer), salad and steamed veggie mix

Wednesday: little girl dance/Youth group

Sausage, winter greens and bean casserole (make second for freezer), salad

Thursday: Girl Scout meeting

Chicken, chick pea, winter squash and spinach curry over quinoa


Slow cooker Chicken Cacciatore and Spaghetti Squash

This weekend: A Czech/Bohemian take of chicken and potato dumplings (this week I am all about the comfort food because it is COLD here) so that I can use this as my “movie” theme (hee-hee):

10 responses to “Menu Plan Monday – January 4, 2010

  1. “As you wish!”

    Don’t I say that anytime you want something from me! 😉

  2. Where can I find the recipe for Thursday’s chicken/chickpea? LOVE IT!!!!

  3. Angela! I miss you!!!

    OK, now that I got that off of my chest….. 🙂

    LOVE the Muppet video. Hilarious!

  4. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday – January 3, 2011 « Angela’s Kitchen

  5. Pingback: Gluten Free-zer Friday – Tangy Tomato Beef « Angela’s Kitchen

  6. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday – January 3, 2011 | Angela's Kitchen

  7. Pingback: Gluten Free-zer Friday – Tangy Tomato Beef

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